By Anita Ness, Founder of EMBRACE Calmer Kids
It’s such an uncertain and challenging time in the world... I feel so lucky to live in Australia, but still we are faced with so many of our own challenges, including the second wave currently hitting Victoria.
I have been feeling so many feelings, especially this past month. When the uncomfortable feelings of sadness, frustration, uncertainty (and many others) come, it’s hard to not just want them gone. But I was reminded again the other day, that the more we can acknowledge, accept and allow our feelings, the less of a struggle it is to deal with the present and to move ourselves forward in a positive way.
I found this meme today, such perfect timing.
A cartoon based on ACT (Acceptance Commitment Theory) that shows how our thoughts and feelings hook us, and try to take us away from where we want to be.
It’s from the easy to read: Doing What Matters in Times of Stress illustrated booklet. It’s a FREE stress management guide to help people learn practical skills to cope better with stress.
The guide was recently published by the World Health Organsiation with content from one of my hero’s in the mental health industry Dr Russ Harris. If you’re interested in reading more, you can find the booklet here. Have a quick flick through, or grab yourself a cuppa tea and enjoy the journey.
Well, it’s been the same for me, I’m also doing my best to keep moving forward, despite those uncomfortable and very normal feelings that life keeps throwing at us.
I want to continue to help awesome parents like you so I’ve ramped things up a little. I recently re-branded my website to include our Personalised Coaching Program for Kids.
Our mission is to create more calm and peace of mind for you and your family, by providing the following services...
Free online resources to help reduce anxiety in children
Personalised coaching programs for kids to build their resilience, courage and confidence EMBRACE Kid Coaching
We’re here to support you to find the help you want, in a way that works best for you and your family.
So if you feel like you could do with a little help, feel free to reach out to me.
The EMBRACE Kid Coaching programs are tailor made one on one coaching programs for kids. This includes all children, not just those with anxious thoughts, but any child that could do with a little boost of self-confidence, resilience, growth mindset or empathy. Any child that might benefit from realising the choices they have with regards to their behaviour, friendships and more.
It’s easy to get caught up in unhelpful thinking and habits, at EMBRACE Kid Coaching we coach your child to realise their strengths, individual superpowers and true life potential. We inspire kids through play-based activities to increase their self-awareness, empower them to manage their own behaviour, help them realise their true self-worth, and build their courage, confidence and resilience. Giving them a toolkit for life and creating positive habits that last a lifetime.
The EMBRACE Kid Coaching program consists of 2 online assessments, analysis of results, a tailor made program of 10 sessions, our personalised motivational Tool Kit and much more. You can find additional details on the EMBRACE Kid Coaching FAQ page.
Deep down, everyone desires peace of mind, the realisation of their potential and a sense of belonging.
I want to do what I can to help share the load, and for you to know that I’m in this with you. If you have any additional questions, or would like to contact me directly, please feel free to email me
I am here to support you and your child, and I would love to help you create a life filled with more calm and happiness.
Stay safe and well, with warmest wishes

Founder of EMBRACE Calmer Kids